
This is the site for Ice Metal. A project of mine that have been going on for years and is now finally coming close to an end.
But if you care for details on the project, and how it started and such, then check out the info section up top.

If you want to checkout how this game will play and/or look like then I also made a media section just for that!

The latest news about the project and such can be found on the blog section, but let me warn you, I'm horrible at updating that thing.

Lastly there is the links section where a few online sites, that may or may not be related, will be listed.

This is a ticket into the world of Ice Metal. Can you uncover the deep and dark secrets about this weird metal?
Or will you die, trying?

This site was made and designed by Crys Stalis.
All content on this site is copywrited to it's respective owners of the content in question.
You may NOT not use and/or take the source code for this site.
Contact: Site owner: Crys Stalis ( Green-kirby (at) hotmail.com ) And domain owner: James Kennon ( jameskennon (at) gmail.com )